Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sunday, April 3, 2011


i'm L.O.S.E.R.
npe ak ckp cmni..
sbb ak ase aku byk gle x tw about my study,,
ble ak try nk jwb soklan tutorial,
even the first question pon ak mcm slow gle
n then x dpt jwb..
b4 this ak x pnah rse..
yea lah,
masa sek rendah 
ad abah,mak,along,angah,uda,anteh,akak 
y akan ajar aku ble ak x tw..
sgt2 rndu this moment..

mse sek menengah plak,
cikgu akan ajar smpi phm,
then x pyh nk bace2 blek,
jwb je exm tros..
ni y ak wat mse secondary school,
sbb ak bdak mlz..

but bla da msok u,,
1 lecture hall je da ccah 60 to 80 people..
n lecturer akan ajr straight je tok abezkan syllabus..
nk pg jmpa lecturer plak ssah..
sebok gle..
n then,,
aku loser smpi la da nak exm..

ak wndu moment mse aku sek rendah n menengah,,
belajar an family like heaven gile..

blajar bace jawi an mak
aku: mak, cane nk sebut tulisan ni?
mak:cuba eja satu-satu...
aku: kaf, gha, wau, sin, yah..
mak: kerusi...
aku: :)

belajar math an abah
aku:abah, cne nk wat ni?
abah:meh abah ajar..

belajar sc an uda
aku:uda, adik x phm psl cell..
uda: sng je tu..cell are the structural and functional units of all organism..bla bla bla.....

belajar akaun an akak
aku: cne nk wat ni ea? x bpe phm r..
akak: xpe, akak wat kan..
aku: yes, taktik menjadi :p

tp, plg bez ble blajar an anteh
aku:cne nk wat ni r?
anteh:laa, itu pon xtw ke??
aku:grr..klu tw x minx ajar...=.=

ak suka blajar kt umah..aku wndu zman sek rendah sbb mse sek rendah ak ad really2 good teacher at my home..n aku jugak wndu sek menengah..sbb aku ad cikgu y bez, y dpt ajar aku smpi phm..n ble x phm, ley bwk bku blek umah n suro abang-abang n akak aku ajar...
but now, i have to do evytink alone...:(

aku jugak rndu air ribena y mak akan buat tiap kli aku blek dr sek rendah..:(

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Have you ever wondered what the real essence of the saying "A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed" is? People talk about the true value of friendship actually without knowing what it stands for. True friendship is the one, in which the individuals do not have to maintain formalities with each other. Sharing true friendship is the situation, when the person you are talking about is counted as one among your family members, when the relation you share with him/her reaches a stage that even if you don't correspond for sometime, your friendship remains unscathed. Best friends need not meet up often to make sure that the friendship remains constant.

The trust between best friends is such that if one friend falls in trouble, the other will not think twice to help. If the bond between two friends is strong, true friends can endure even long distances. For them, geographical separation is just a part of life. It would not affect their friendship. They make it a point to stay in touch, even in the verge of being exhausted due to the drudgery of everyday life. True friendship never fades away. In fact, it grows better with time. True friendship thrives on trust, inspiration and comfort. Best friends come to know, when the other person is in trouble, merely by listening to their "Hello" over the phone. They can even understand each other's silence. 

True friends don't desert each other when one is facing trouble. They would face it together and support each other, even if it is against the interests of the other person. Best friends don't analyze each other; they don't have to do so. They accept each other with their positive and negative qualities. Nothing is hidden between true friends. They know each other's strengths as well as weaknesses. One would not overpower the other. They would respect each other's individuality. In fact, they would understand the similarities and respect the differences. Best friends don't stand any outsider commenting or criticizing their friendship and they can put up a very firm resistance, if anyone does so. 

True friends are not opportunists. They don't help, because they have something to gain out of it. True friendship is marked by selflessness. Best friends support even each other, even if the whole world opposes them. It is not easy getting true friends for the lifetime. If you have even one true friend, consider yourself blessed. Remember, all best friends are friends, but not all friends can be best friends. In this world of cynics and back stabbers, there are still some people who are worth being friends with. They have to be recognized and respected for being best friends, for the lifetime.

What is a friend? I will tell is someone with whom you dare to be yourself.

The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on aporch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you ever had.

Friendship is like the relation between hands and eyes. It's like when the hand gets hurt, the eye cries, and when the eye cries the hand wipes its tears.

Monday, March 14, 2011


aku x tw knape diz week au asek sakit kpala..
adkh aku ad migrain??
siyesly skit pale y kdg2 ak x dpt thn..
mybe cuaca pns or mybe jgak aku tdo x mnentu..
kdg tdo awl kdg lmbt..
haish =.=
diz week mggu test 2..
khamis ni ak ad 2 test,
statistic n english..
bdn + mnda aku sgt pnt skrang ni...
stat byk xphm n blur2..
ak hrp ak dpt perform ag better tok statistic n maintain for english..

p/s: aku wndu gle bdak ni... :(  NURUL AUNI BT. MOHD ALIAS (bdak kcik y byk mlut)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

tsunami di jepun

masih tidak terlambat untuk aku mengucapkan takziah kepada mangsa-mangsa tsunami di Jepun.
Diharapkan mereka bersabar menerima ujian yang tlh ditentukan oleh-Nya.
Dan kepada rakyat Malaysia, semoga dengan kejadian ini dpt memberi iktibar kepada kita tentang kuasa Tuhan yang Maha Esa.
Kita sebagai hamba hanya mampu berdoa dan selainnya terpulang kepada perhitungan Allah S.W.T.
Semoga Malaysia dijauhi malapetaka seperti ini..
amin :)

Monday, March 7, 2011


 why do i take major math..
because math is beautiful..
how beautiful it is???

watch this video...u will find out the beauty of mathematics

why do i take major math..
because math is funny
how funny it is???

watch this video..u will find out the funny of mathematics..


Thanks for reading yaw!

#4th R.E.W.I.N.D.

 bkn nk cite psl lirik lagu the climb..
but nk cite psl experience aku mendaki..
kami pergi mase cuti sem ari tu..

kami daki 5 gunung..
1)gunung perdah
2)gunung jasar
3)gunung berincang
4)gunung berembun
5)gunung mentigi

this is the my first experience 
and for being honest
mendaki bkn kerja mdah,,
bkn kerja maen2..
nmpk mcm sng..
tp try la dlu der bru tw hardcore dy cmne..

first gnung ak kne naek..
at first excited gle babs..
n then dah smpi halfway jln..
tercungap gle2 puya..
ni semua disebabkan slah cara pernafasan
for da first day lg kami da naek 2 gnung,
bygkan lah dgn bag bratnya naek 2 gnung..
ye lah org xde experience kan,,
ad ke nek gnung bwk 1.5liter air..
mmg sempot abezla kan..

2nd day kami naek 1 gnung je..
gnung berincang..
gnung ni mmg series ssah coz sgt menjunam,,
so kami sgt2 perlu berpaut pd akar kayu..
mmg da mcm catwoman gle..
but x tw knape..
even ssahh..
gnung ni lah y plg bez naek..
x rase pnt n sronok gle
dan kmi jga dpt p tngok tmpt lakonan puteri gnung ledang..
mmg tggi gla tmpt ni..
n ak sgt gayat..

3rd day kami p naek 2 gnung..
3rd plg worse ak rase..
coz sgt pnt 
n ak bley plak terjatuh dlm lumpur..
smpi betis ok...
n farah plak jtoh smpi peha..
hahaha :)
iyah n ayu plak jtuh menggelongsor msa trun dr gnung..
n bdak laki kata..
tu dy free show trun gnung..
like bangang je depa suma tu
at the end ad gak 2 laki y jatuh..
hihi :)
Tuhan byr cash
thumbs up!!

mase ak naek 5 gnung, aku salu rase sempot,pnt,give up..
but 1 thing y ak salu pk tok bg ak smgt tok smpi kt ats puncak adlh Tuhan tu Maha Kaya..
Dia tdak akn bg sesuatu klu hambaNya x berusaha..
ak byk selawat mse aku naek,,
n aku byk berdoa agar Tuhan bg aku kekuatan seperti para nabi..
at last aku smpi jgak kt ats puncak kelima-lima gnung..

seriously, bla dah smpi kt ats puncak gnung
rasa mcm kenikmatan yang amat sgt..
dan rasa bersyukur y x terhingga...
aku bersyukur pada Rahmat dan kekuatan yang ALLAH bg pd aku..

p/s: i will never forget this moment..
to all my friends thanks for being good supporter to me.. 

Thanks for reading yaw !